RET updates this website daily and provides the most up-to-date information as possible. However, on occasions, the website might be temporarily unavailable and may sometimes contain inaccurate or incomplete information. RET accepts no liability for (alleged) direct, indirect or other damage/loss resulting from visiting this website, or that which is either the consequence of being unable to access the website or incomplete information contained therein.
RET aims to ensure that visitors to the website are as comprehensively informed as possible. Therefore, some pages in our website contain links or references to the websites or services of third parties. RET is not responsible, however, for the information provided by third parties or the services they may offer.
The copyright on the entire contents of this website belongs to RET and none of the contents of the website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior consent of the company.